
To contact Kings Fire, you can reach us through various methods. Our phone lines are open Monday to Thursday 9am - 5pm & Fridays 9am - 4pm for any fire safety enquiries. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff will be happy to assist you. You can also reach us via email at 

We aim to respond to all emails within 24 hours.

Web developers & SEO companies - Please do not contact us, we are satisfied with our website and Google Rankings. Thank you

Kings Fire Ltd
Unit 10C, Old Bridge Way, Shefford, Bedfordshire, SG17 5HQ

01462 337037


Get in touch

Visit us
Unit 10c, Old Bridge Way, Shefford, Bedfordshire, SG17 5HQ

Give us a call
01462 337037


Web developers & SEO companies - Please do not contact us as we are satisfied with our website and Google Rankings. Thank you

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